Package ploigos_step_runner

Ploigos Step Runner (psr) main entry point.

Command-Line Options

-h, --help
    show this help message and exit

-s STEP, --step STEP
    Ploigos workflow step to run

    The environment to run this step against.

-c CONFIG [CONFIG ...], --config CONFIG [CONFIG ...]
    Ploigos workflow configuration files, or directories containing files, in yml or json

    Override step config provided by the given Ploigos
    config-file with these arguments.

Step Configuration


  • generate-metadata
  • tag-source
  • static-code-analysis
  • package
  • unit-test
  • push-artifacts
  • create-container-image
  • push-container-image
  • sign-container-image
  • container-image-unit-test
  • container-image-static-compliance-scan
  • container-image-static-vulnerability-scan
  • create-deployment-environment
  • deploy
  • validate-environment-configuration
  • uat
  • runtime-vulnerability-scan
  • canary-test
  • undeploy
  • report
  • publish-workflow-results
  • automated-governance

Variable Precedence

From least precedence to highest precedence.

1. StepImplementer implementation provided configuration defaults
2. Global Configuration Defaults (
3. Global Environment Configuration Defaults (
4. Step Configuration (step-runner-config.{STEP_NAME}.config)
5. Step Environment Configuration
6. Step Configuration Runtime Overrides (--environment arugment to main entry point)

** Example 1 **

  # List of decryptors to use to decrypt any encrypted configuration.
  - implementer: SOPS
    #  additional_sops_args: [
    #    '--any-valid-sops-cmd-arg-here=value',
    #    '--aws-profile=FOO'
    #  ]

  # Dictionary of configuration options which will be used in step configuration if that
  # step does not have a specific value for that configuration already or one is not
  # given by global-environment-defaults.
    # A sample config option with a default global value.
    # Overrides
    #   * StepImplementers default config values
    # Is Overriden by:
    #   * global-environment-defaults
    #   * step config
    #   * step environment config
    #   * step config runtime overrides
    sample-config-option-1: 'global default'

  # Dictionary of dictionaries where the first level keys are environment names and their
  # dictionary values are configuration defaults to use when invoking a step in the context
  # of that environment.
  # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
  # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'SAMPLE-ENV-1'.
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
      # Sample config option that may differ from environment to environment.
      #sample-config-option-2: 'default for use in the SAMPLE-ENV-1 env"

    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'SAMPLE-ENV-2'.
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
      # Sample config option that may differ from environment to environment.
      #sample-config-option-2: 'default for use in the SAMPLE-ENV-2 env"

  # Sample step config for step named SAMPLE-STEP-1
  - implementer: SampleStep1Implementer1
      sample-config-option-3: 'value for sample-config-option-3 for use in this step'
      - name: sample-user-supplied-artifact
        path: sample/path/to/user/supplied/artifact
        sample-config-option-4: 'value for use in this step in SAMPLE-ENV-1 environment'
        sample-config-option-4: 'value for use in this step in SAMPLE-ENV-1 environment'

Example Configuration Files


Optional step configurations are listed commented out and with their default values.

** Example Config file for a Maven built Application **

  # Optional
  # List of decryptors to use to decrypt any encrypted configuration.
  - implementer: SOPS
    #  additional_sops_args: [
    #    '--any-valid-sops-cmd-arg-here=value',
    #    '--aws-profile=FOO'
    #  ]

  # Optional
  # Dictionary of configuration options which will be used in step configuration if that
  # step does not have a specific value for that configuration already or one is not
  # given by global-environment-defaults.
    # Required.
    # Name of the application the artifact built and deployed by this workflow is part of.
    application-name: ''

    # Required.
    # Name of the service this artifact built and deployed by this workflow implements as
    # part of the application it is a part of.
    service-name: ''

    # Optional.
    # Maven server settings for settings.xml file
    #  internal-mirror-1:
    #    id: ''
    #    username: ''
    #    password: ''
    #  internal-mirror-2:
    #    id: ''
    #    username: ''
    #    password: ''

    # Optional.
    # Maven repository settings for settings.xml file
    #  internal-mirror-1:
    #    id: ''
    #    url: ''
    #    snapshots: ''
    #    releases: ''
    #  internal-mirror-2:
    #    id: ''
    #    url: ''
    #    snapshots: ''
    #    releases: ''

    # Optional.
    # Maven mirror settings for settings.xml file
    #  internal-mirror-1:
    #    id: ''
    #    url: ''
    #    mirror-of: ''
    #  internal-mirror-2:
    #    id: ''
    #    url: ''
    #    mirror-of: ''

    # Dictionary of container registries to authenticate with.
    # Suggest putting in global configuration so it can be used for creating and pushing
    # images. But can also or instead be put in the individual steps if say different
    # registires are used for building images then pushing them.
    #    username: account_number|acount_name
    #    password: encrypt_me
    #    username: team_name+project_name
    #    password: encrypt_me

  # Optional
  # Dictionary of dictionaries where the first level keys are environment names and their
  # dictionary values are configuration defaults to use when invoking a step in the context
  # of that environment.
  # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
  # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
    # Sample
    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'DEV'.
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
      #kube-api-token: ''

      # Required
      argocd-username: ''

      # Required
      argocd-password: ''

      # Required
      argocd-api: ''

      # Optional
      #argocd-sync-timeout-seconds: '60'

      # Optional
      #deployment-config-helm-chart-path: './'

    # Sample
    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'TEST'
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
      #kube-api-token: ''

      # Required
      argocd-username: ''

      # Required
      argocd-password: ''

      # Required
      argocd-api: ''

      # Optional
      #argocd-sync-timeout-seconds: '60'

      # Optional
      #deployment-config-helm-chart-path: './'

    # Sample
    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'PROD'
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
    # Sample
    # Sample parameter that may differ from environment to environment.
    #kube-api-uri: '"

  - implementer: Maven
    config: {
      # Optional.
      #pom-file: 'pom.xml'

  - implementer: Git
    config: {
      # Optional.
      #git-repo-root: './'

      # Optional.
      #build-string-length: 7

  - implementer: SemanticVersion

  - implementer: Git
    config: {
      # Optional.
      # Will use current directory to determine URL if not specified.
      #url: None

      # Optional.
      #username: None

      # Optional.
      #password: None

  - implementer: SonarQube
    config: {
      # Required.
      # URL to the sonarqube server
      url: ''

      # Optional.
      # Properties file in root folder (eg:
      #properties: ''

      # Optional.
      #user: None

      # Optional.
      #password: None

  - implementer: MavenTest
    config: {
      # Optional.
      # pom_file: 'pom.xml'

      # Optional.
      # tls-verify: True

      # Optional.
      # maven-profiles: []

      # Optional.
      # maven-no-transfer-progress: True

      # Optional.
      # maven-additional-arguments: []

      # Optional.
      # NOTE: Will attempt to dynamically determine from pom if not given.
      # test-reports-dir: 'target/surefire-reports

  - implementer: MavenPackage
    config: {
      # Optional.
      #pom-file: 'pom.xml'

      # Optional
      #artifact-extensions: ['jar', 'war', 'ear']

      # Optional
      #artifact-parent-dir: 'target'

  - implementer: MavenDeploy
    config: {
      # Required.
      # URL to the artifact repository to push the artifact to.
      maven-push-artifact-repo-url: ''

      # Required.
      # Id to the artifact repository to push the artifact to.
      maven-push-artifact-repo-id: ''


  - implementer: Buildah
    config: {
      # Optional.
      #imagespecfile: 'Dockerfile'

      # Optional.
      #context: '.'

      # Optional.
      #tls-verify: true

      # Optional.
      #format: 'oci'

  - implementer: GenerateEvidence
    config: {
      evidence-destination-url: 'http:/example-evidence-destination-url',
      evidence-destination-username: 'username'
  - implementer: RekorSignEvidence
    config: {
      rekor-server-url: 'http://example-rekor-server-url-url/',
      signer-pgp-private-key: '/path/to/signer-pgp-private-key-path'

  - implementer: OpenPolicyAgent
    config: {
      workflow-policy-uri: 'http://example-workflow-policy-uri/uri',
      evidence-uri: 'http://example-evidence-uri/uri'

  - implementer: Skopeo
    config: {
      destination: '' # Required. Container image repository destination to push image to
      #src-tls-verify: true # Optional
      #dest-tls-verify: true # Optional

  # sample signing container image but not pushing the signature anywhere
  #   signature will be included in workflow results archive.
  - implementer: PodmanSign
    config: {}

  # sample signing container image and pushing container image signature to remote repository
  #- implementer: PodmanSign
  #  config:
  #    container-image-signature-destination-url: <>
  #    container-image-signature-destination-username: test-user
  #    container-image-signature-destination-password: pass123 # this value should be put in an encrypted config file

  # sample signing container image and pushing container image signature to local file
  #- implementer: PodmanSign
  #  config:
  #    container-image-signature-destination-url: file://image-signatures-mount/

  # sample scans using DataStream file (preferred)
  - name: OpenSCAP - Compliance - Example Compliance Profile for UBI8 Container Images [Based on xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_standard]
    implementer: OpenSCAP
      oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
      oscap-tailoring-uri: <>
      oscap-profile: xccdf_com.redhat.ploigos_profile_example_ubi8
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems) - DataStream
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_ospp
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (DISA STIG for Red hat Enterprise Linux 8) - DataStream
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig

  # sample scans using XCCDF file (okay if you don't have access to DataStream)
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (DISA STIG for Red hat Enterprise Linux 8) - XCCDF
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: stig
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems) - XCCDF
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: ospp

  # sample vulnerability scan using XCCDF file (preferred)
  - name: OpenSCAP - Vulnerability - DataStream
    implementer: OpenSCAP
      oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>

  # sample scans using OVAL file (if you must, but XCCDF is muuuuch better if availabe)
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Vulnerability - OVAL
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  # sample scan using DataStream file

  - implementer: ArgoCD
      # argocd specific variables are set per environment above

      # Required
      helm-config-repo: ''

      # Optional
      #values-yaml-directory: './cicd/Deployment/'

      # Optional
      #value-yaml-template: 'values.yaml.j2'

      # Required
      git-email: ''

      # Optional
      #git-name: 'ploigos'

      # Optional
      #git-username: None

      # Optional
      #git-password: None

      # Any template parameters required by values.yaml.j2 can be listed below. Note dashes will
      # be converted to underscores to be compliant with the jinja template variable
      # specification
      readiness-probe-path: ''

  - implementer: ConfiglintFromArgocd
    config: {}
  - implementer: Configlint
    config: {
      # Optional.
      # Path to the rules file
      #rules: ''

  - implementer: MavenIntegrationTest
      target-host-url-maven-argument-name: 'target.base.url'
      - -Dselenium.hub.url=<>

      # Optional.
      # pom_file: 'pom.xml'

      # Optional.
      # tls-verify: True

      # Optional.
      # maven-profiles: []

      # Optional.
      # maven-no-transfer-progress: True

      # Optional.
      # maven-additional-arguments: []

      # Optional.
      # NOTE: Will attempt to dynamically determine from pom if not given.
      # test-reports-dir: 'target/surefire-reports

  - implementer: ResultArtifactsArchive
      results-archive-destination-url: <>
      results-archive-destination-username: mock-name

      # NOTE: should encrypt this
      results-archive-destination-password: mock-pass

** Example Config file for a NPM built Application **

  # Optional
  # List of decryptors to use to decrypt any encrypted configuration.
  - implementer: SOPS
    #  additional_sops_args: [
    #    '--any-valid-sops-cmd-arg-here=value',
    #    '--aws-profile=FOO'
    #  ]

  # Optional
  # Dictionary of configuration options which will be used in step configuration if that
  # step does not have a specific value for that configuration already or one is not
  # given by global-environment-defaults.
    # Required.
    # Name of the application the artifact built and deployed by this workflow is part of.
    application-name: ''

    # Required.
    # Name of the service this artifact built and deployed by this workflow implements as
    # part of the application it is a part of.
    service-name: ''

    # Optional.
    # Dictionary of container registries to authenticate with.
    # Suggest putting in global configuration so it can be used for creating and pushing
    # images. But can also or instead be put in the individual steps if say different
    # registires are used for building images then pushing them.
    #    username: account_number|acount_name
    #    password: encrypt_me
    #    username: team_name+project_name
    #    password: encrypt_me

  # Optional
  # Dictionary of dictionaries where the first level keys are environment names and their
  # dictionary values are configuration defaults to use when invoking a step in the context
  # of that environment.
  # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
  # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
    # Optional Sample
    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'DEV'.
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
      #kube-api-token: ''

      # Required
      argocd-username: ''

      # Required
      argocd-password: ''

      # Required
      argocd-api: ''

      # Optional
      #argocd-sync-timeout-seconds: '60'

      # Optional
      #deployment-config-helm-chart-path: './'

    # Sample
    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'TEST'
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.

      # Required
      argocd-username: ''

      # Required
      argocd-password: ''

      # Required
      argocd-api: ''

      # Optional
      #argocd-sync-timeout-seconds: '60'

      # Optional
      #deployment-config-helm-chart-path: './'

    # Sample
    # Sample configuration for an environment named 'PROD'
    # NOTE: Environment names can be anything so long as they line up with the environment value
    # given to the `--environment` flag of the main entry point.
    # Sample
    # Sample parameter that may differ from environment to environment.
    #kube-api-uri: '"

  # WARNING: not yet implemented
  - implementer: NPM
    config: {}

  - implementer: Git
    config: {
      # Optional.
      #git-repo-root: './'

      # Optional.
      #build-string-length: 7

  - implementer: SemanticVersion

  - implementer: Git
    config: {
      # Optional.
      # Will use current directory to determine URL if not specified.
      #url: None

      # Optional.
      #username: None

      # Optional.
      #password: None

  - implementer: SonarQube
    config: {
      # Required.
      # URL to the sonarqube server
      url: ''

      # Optional.
      # Properties file in root folder (eg:
      #properties: ''

      # Optional.
      #user: None

      # Optional.
      #password: None

  # WARNING: not yet implemented
  - implementer: NPM
    config: {}

  - implementer: NpmXunitTest
      test-reports-dir: test_results

      # Optional.
      # npm-envs:
      #   ENV_VAR1: VALUE1
      #   ENV_VAR2: VALUE2

      # Optional.
      #npm-test-script: test

  - implementer: NpmTest
      # Optional.
      # npm-envs:
      #   ENV_VAR1: VALUE1
      #   ENV_VAR2: VALUE2

  # WARNING: not yet implemented
  - implementer: NPM
    config: {}

  - implementer: Buildah
    config: {
      # Optional.
      #imagespecfile: 'Dockerfile'

      # Optional.
      #context: '.'

      # Optional.
      #tls-verify: true

      # Optional.
      #format: 'oci'

  - implementer: GenerateEvidence
    config: {
      evidence-destination-url: 'http:/example-evidence-destination-url',
      evidence-destination-username: 'username'
  - implementer: RekorSignEvidence
    config: {
      rekor-server-url: 'http://example-rekor-server-url-url/',
      signer-pgp-private-key: '/path/to/signer-pgp-private-key-path'

  - implementer: OpenPolicyAgent
    config: {
      workflow-policy-uri: 'http://example-workflow-policy-uri/uri',
      evidence-uri: 'http://example-evidence-uri/uri'

  - implementer: Skopeo
    config: {
      destination: '' # Required. Container image repository destination to push image to
      #src-tls-verify: true # Optional
      #dest-tls-verify: true # Optional

  # sample signing container image but not pushing the signature anywhere
  #   signature will be included in workflow results archive.
  - implementer: PodmanSign
    config: {}

  # sample signing container image and pushing container image signature to remote repository
  #- implementer: PodmanSign
  #  config:
  #    container-image-signature-destination-url: <>
  #    container-image-signature-destination-username: test-user
  #    container-image-signature-destination-password: pass123 # this value should be put in an encrypted config file

  # sample signing container image and pushing container image signature to local file
  #- implementer: PodmanSign
  #  config:
  #    container-image-signature-destination-url: file://image-signatures-mount/

  # sample scans using DataStream file (preferred)
  - name: OpenSCAP - Compliance - Example Compliance Profile for UBI8 Container Images [Based on xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_standard]
    implementer: OpenSCAP
      oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
      oscap-tailoring-uri: <>
      oscap-profile: xccdf_com.redhat.ploigos_profile_example_ubi8
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems) - DataStream
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_ospp
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (DISA STIG for Red hat Enterprise Linux 8) - DataStream
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig

  # sample scans using XCCDF file (okay if you don't have access to DataStream)
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (DISA STIG for Red hat Enterprise Linux 8) - XCCDF
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: stig
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Compliance (Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating Systems) - XCCDF
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  #    oscap-profile: ospp

  # sample vulnerability scan using XCCDF file (preferred)
  - name: OpenSCAP - Vulnerability - DataStream
    implementer: OpenSCAP
      oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>

  # sample scans using OVAL file (if you must, but XCCDF is muuuuch better if availabe)
  #- name: OpenSCAP - Vulnerability - OVAL
  #  implementer: OpenSCAP
  #  config:
  #    oscap-input-definitions-uri: <>
  # sample scan using DataStream file

  - implementer: ArgoCD
      # argocd specific variables are set per environment above

      # Required
      helm-config-repo: ''

      # Optional
      #values-yaml-directory: './cicd/Deployment/'

      # Optional
      #value-yaml-template: 'values.yaml.j2'

      # Optional
      #deployment-config-helm-chart-path: './'

      # Required
      git-email: ''

      # Optional
      #git-name: 'ploigos'

      # Optional
      #git-username: None

      # Optional
      #git-password: None

      # Any template parameters required by values.yaml.j2 can be listed below.
      # Note dashes will be converted to underscores to be compliant with the jinja
      # template variable specification
      readiness-probe-path: ''

  - implementer: NpmXunitIntegrationTest
      target-host-env-var-name: APP_ROUTE
      test-reports-dir: uat-reports

      # Optional.
      # npm-test-script: test:uat

      # Optional.
      # npm-envs:
      #   WEB_DRIVER_URL: <http://selenium-grid.devsecops:4444/wd/hub>
      #   BROWSER: chrome
      #   USER1: test1
      #   USER2: test2

  - implementer: ResultArtifactsArchive
      results-archive-destination-url: <>
      results-archive-destination-username: mock-name

      # NOTE: should encrypt this
      results-archive-destination-password: mock-pass


Getting Help

>>> psr --help

Example Running the 'generate-metadata' step

>>> psr
...     --config=my-app-step-runner-config.yml ...     --step=generate-metadata



Configuration for Ploigos workflow.


Shared utilities for doing decryption.


Custom Step Runner Exceptions.


Results for Ploigos workflow.


Abstract class and helper constants for StepImplementer …


StepImplementer implementations.


Constructs a given named StepImplementer using a given configuration, and runs it.


Useful utilities.
